Thursday, 26 February 2009

Problems for Advert 3

Me and Hannah have been discussing our plan for advert 3, and we have come to some problems. Our first problem is that tomorrow's filming, 27Th Feb, can not go ahead because our male actor is sick. We therefore have to reschedule this date and fit it into next week's shooting. This could cause some problems due to ILP day's next week, meaning that we will be loosing two days of filming. We therefore have to organise ourselves so that we can spend after school time/weekend either filming or editing.

Another problem which we have come across is the mother actor. We were originally going to use Hannah's sister as the mother, however we decided not to use her because it will not be convenient for us in the long run due to her being away at university during the week. We therefore have to find somebody who has similar frees to us so that we can film as and when we need to.

The last thing which me and Hannah had worries about is the original storyboard. We found that unlike the previous two adverts, this one has a lot more dialogue. As it stands, we plan to keep the dialogue the way it is as this is where the humour will come into it however this is liable to change if it doesn't provide our intended effect when uploaded onto the MAC's.

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