Wednesday, 5 November 2008

5th November - 'Tester' Jingle on Mac's

Today (5th November) me and Hannah used one of our free's to go onto the Mac's and begin to put together our 'tester' of our jingle. ('shake, click, fresh, ahhh') We have managed to cut some of the clips and put together a small sequence however we stil need to add transitions, voiceover and/or music to it. This 'tester' will aid us when we create our actual jingle, because it is present in all adverts therefore it is important that we experiment, as well as to help us work out how to use some of the tools on the adobe premier software because it is a programme that neither me or Hannah have worked with before. We stuggled to use the software at the beginning however the more we play around with it the more we learn from it and the easier it becomes to use. :] Once we have completed this little 'tester' i'll upload it onto this blog.

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