Yesterday (Tuesday 12Th November), and today (Wednesday 13Th November) we went and continued filming for advert 2 and have uploaded the footage that we have done over the last two days onto the macs during our last free, period 7.
On both days we continued filming for advert two, and are on our way to having completed the filming, although of course there is more than likely going to be a few re-shoots. One problem that we are facing with the filming is that due to our advert being set outside, it is important that the weather is similar every time we shoot otherwise it looks weird and you can tell that we have been shooting on separate days. On Tuesday we had a problem because the wind was really strong and this means that you can hear the sound of the wind on almost every shot. This is a problem because if we want to have an aspect of realism in our adverts we will not be able to use the original sound because it doesn't fit with the action/advert and it sounds really bad. To overcome this, we may have to re-shoot the shots or we could alternatively use the sound from another clip and add it on to the footage which we like because this will avoid us having to go out and re-shoot. On the other hand, the sound which we replace the original with may not fit in very well with the action.
The other problem that we had was also weather related. On Wednesday is was quite sunny whereas on the other days that we went filming, it was a lot more misty. This caused problems because it made the shots appear too bright, and our actors kept squinting at the sun. We tried to over come the problem by attempting to make shade on the 'set' by using an umbrella and material/coats to block out the sun, however this wasn't always successful as in some of the shots you can see shadows which makes the shot look even worse than when the sun was shining on it. This is really frustrating, as despite us having filmed several of the same shot, it is limiting the ones we can use due to faults like that.
During our filming, we filmed the same shot twice and kept it going for longer than what the shot would really last for on the advert. We did this in a lot of shots because we felt that it is important to have enough for us to choose the best shot, and in case something ruins the shot, we have another one to use. The reason why we also keep the shots long is because when we press the record button on or off at the beginning and end of each shot, we tend to shake the camera a little meaning that it ruins the shot. However, by making the shot last longer, we can cut this on the Macs and only use the part that we want to use.
During the filming which we did on these two days, we have noticed how we have experimented with different shots meaning that we are slightly going off what our original storyboard looks like. We are still following our storyboard and scripting as a guide however as we do so we keep thinking of other ideas which look better than the original. Another reason why we have changed some shots when filming is because when we upload footage onto the Mac's it does not always come out the way we want it to, for example the long shot of the couple at the beginning of the advert did not meet the codes and conventions and was not effective at all, therefore we have to think of alternatives to improve the advert.
We plan to continue filming for advert 2 next week, and also continue planning days for re-shooting, editing, and the start of filming advert 1.
Roblox Arsenal Hack Script Pastebin
3 years ago
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