Sunday, 14 September 2008

Unique Selling Point

I have researched ways in which to go about creating a USP. This is what i came up with:

*The Unique Selling Point is what sets you apart from your competition. In our case, it would be what makes us better/different to the company that owns/creates tic tac and mentos.

*It can be expressed as a summary of what you do and how you do it better or differently than others.

*It is usually made up of a few words that become your advertising jingle/catchphrase. For example we could have a jingle such as 'a breath of fresh air' or 'get minty fresh breath...' Something short and catchy works best as it will be most memorable for consumers.

*The USP should focus on how it benefits the customer. For example the Burger King USP is 'Have it your way' which benefits the customer because it gives them a sense of power and freedom, because they can request what they like and have it the way they want it.

From this, we have created a brainstorm of possible USP's (Will scan this in as soon as I can) However it has proved more difficult than expected as we have not yet decided on the one that we will deffinetly use in the adverts. Grrr.

Unique Selling Point - 2
I just read the chapter in the book I borrowed from the my library called 'Advertising for Dummies' related to the USP of adverts.

Consistency of message

-The message needs to be constant in all the media, therefore we should keep the message the same in all 3 of the adverts. This means that the message is established as yours and gives the consumer a better chance of remembering it/associated it with your product

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