Monday, 15 September 2008

Target audience, Questionnaires & Similar mint adverts

Psychographics appeal

The use of demographics is to study and measure attitudes, values, lifestyles, and opinions for marketing purposes. The Criteria is by segmenting consumers by lifestyle, attitudes, beliefs, values, personality, buying motives, and/or extent of product usage. Psychographic analyses are used like geographic (place of residence or work) and demographic (age, income, occupation) criteria to describe and identify customers and prospective customers and to aid in developing promotion strategies designed to appeal to specific psychographic segments of the market for a product. Psychographic data can be gathered firsthand through personal interviews, focus group interviews or questionnaires, or purchased from research companies in the form of list overlays for direct marketers or market profiles for general marketers. In our case, the use of questionnaires would be the easiest way of performing research to determine who we want our target audience to be.

Customer profiles
A description of a customer group or type of customer based on various demographic, psychographic and/or geographic characteristics; also called shopper profile. For example, magazine advertising salespeople provide advertisers with customer profiles describing the type of person who will be exposed to advertisements in that magazine. The description may include income, occupation, level of education, age, gender, hobbies, or area of residence. Customer profiles provide the knowledge needed to select the best prospect lists and to enable advertisers to select the best media.

Like I mentioned before, I don't think we are yet clear as to what our target audience expects in a mint or what exactly/specific things are included in a mint advert due to us not analysis enough mint adverts and us not putting enough thought into target audience.

Once we noticed that target audience is becoming a problem and delaying us from coming up with better ideas for our storyboard, we have decided to create a questionaire which will prodive us feedback from our target audience. We aim to find out how much, and what & why our target audience consume mints. From this we will be able to see what features our mint needs to have in order for it to make our target audience attracted to it and want to buy it over other mints available on the market. We have already started on our draft of this questionaire, and plan to give it out and have feedback by the end of the week. Here's a copy of the blank questionnaire:
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Existing mint adverts

In addition to this, we want to analyse more mint adverts because we have not analysed enough of them! So, I have just gone onto youtube and searched for mint adverts, old and new ones. Below are just six of the ones I found, all advertising Tic Tac's. I am going to search for other mint brands such as mentos, polos, soft mints etc. I will try and scan in the analysis that we did of the adverts and/or put a short evaluation of what we learned from the analysis once we are done. :]

First Three adverts link




Things ive noticed of the above three adverts:
-all three adverts use the same woman, meaning that as an audience, people will associate her with the mint product meaning that she is memorable for that product
-there is a mixture of diegetic sound, such as the woman speaking some of her sound effects, as well as non diegetic sound, such as the added sound effects. The diegetic sound helps to add an aspect of realism.
-There is no music playing in the background
-The narrative has been kept simple, meaning that it is easy to understand
-The pace is quite quick, and the shots are mainly close ups and mid shots. The focus is kept on the mints, and how effective they are
-The jingle has been kept the same in all three advers 'its not just a mint its a tic tac' This is short and catchy meaning that people will remember it
-The packet of the mint is also shown so people can recognise what it looks like

Another tic tac advert that I found


-The advert focuses on the mint and the effectiveness of the mint
-The mojority of the shots are mid shots and close ups
-There is a lot of diegetic sound through the woman's speech and some of the sound effects
-Other flavours are visiable towards the end of the advert
-The narrative is again very simple. The domino effect is unique and therefore memorable

I found these two quite funny, I like the way they added humour into it.



-These adverts lack informing the audience of the affect of the mint. It isn't made to look any better than a regular mint
-The entertainment factor acts as the memorable aspect
-Different characters are used in the two adverts
-There are a few long shots in order to set the scene, however all the other shots are mid shots and close ups
-These adverts lack an aspect of realism because there is no diegetic sound. There is however music playing in the background which is different compared to the above. The music fits well with the pace of the advert and matches the 'entertainment' factor
-The jingle is the same in both adverts 'entertain you mouth'

Other adverts which we can use for inspiraton are:

Trebor mints

Tic Tac

Some codes and conventions that I have picked up on are:
-Straigh cuts
-Variety of CU and MS (mainly)
-Moderate pace and/or fast
-Use of catchphrase
-Close up of product
-Simple narrative

Chosen audience
Our target audience is going to be in the age range of 15-25 for both male and female. We came to this desicion through our research of mint adverts, questionnaires etc. The questionnaires helped us decide because we got an idea of what certain ages liked about mints, and how and why they consume them. From this, it gave us ideas of how we can target them in order to suit their needs, which initially expanded and developed our ideas. We also felt that this age boundary brings the most potential to our advert, and we can use typical interests of these young people in order to get them to buy our product.

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